Wednesday, April 5, 2017

I went to the gym yesterday.

I went to the gym yesterday.
I haven't been to the gym in a while.
My working out has been sporadic and inconsistent.
All the weight I have lost so far has been diet related.
I hate working out.
I hate running. I hate squats. I hate ellipticals.

But yesterday I went to the gym because my body needs me to work out.
My weight loss needs me to work out.

And let me tell you today, amigos, I. AM. SORE.
I literally have not felt my thighs this sore in years.

And you know what is frustrating?
I was an athlete once.
I practiced basketball and lifted weights 6 days a week, every week for months.
I spent hours per day working out, running, lifting, BEING an athlete, BEING healthy.

Yesterday, when I was struggling to get through a half hour leg work out, I was almost in tears.
Not because I was in pain (even though I really was), but because I used to do this and do this well.
Why did I stop? Why did I give up on myself? Why did I let the athlete in me take a back seat?

I want to be that athlete again.
I want to coach athletes, but I also want to be one myself AGAIN.
I will be. I know I will be.
But the journey sometimes is discouraging.