By me. Brittany Dunn. Me.
I instantly chuckled, not trying to be disrespectful, but just so confused as to why I am intimidating.
They told me it is because I am tall, because I walk with purpose, and I talk with confidence.
Isn't it funny how we are perceived by others and what we see in ourselves? Often, it is so different.
In my mind, I am not someone to be intimidated by. Here's why:
- I am 27 and still afraid of thunderstorms
- I sleep with some form of light on, and I try to convince myself its so I can see when I go to the bathroom, but really, I just don't like the dark.
- I am very self-conscious about my weight. I hate being the fat friend, the fat daughter, the fat wife.
- I am weird. I make funny voices, make up weird names for people, and change lyrics to songs to make them realll dumb and cheesy.
- I want to write a book... REALLY badly... But I always get started and think about how silly I am and stop.
- I wake up often feeling bad for my husband for being stuck married to me.
- I cry... All the time. When animals die, certain songs that hit me, when my husband is really nice to me (which is often), when I see people who are lost and need Jesus... My eyes are always wet.
- I hate folding laundry & I avoid it as often as possible
- I have a list of books a mile long that I want to read and never seem to get around to it.
- I wonder every day if I could've done something different to help my dad and maybe he would've stuck around.
- I feel a lot more confident in talking about sports than I do about Jesus, no matter how much I study, and it makes me feel guilty, which I know isn't how Jesus would want me to feel
- I have serious doubts in my coaching and teaching abilities
This seems like a depressing, silly post. But as I sat here today, typing this, I don't want to be intimidating. I want people to see Christ in me; to see my weaknesses, my scars, to see my broken places and see that the reason someone like me can still function as a human being is because God Himself has redeemed me and is working in & through me.
"'My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.' So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me." -2 Corinthians 12:9
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