Yesterday in my Intro to Missions class, we had some guests from Western Oregon University come and talk to us. They were international students, one from a Muslim background in Indonesia and one from an atheist background in China. Both have since accepted Christ. When my professor asked them about their journey in America so far, the woman from China, Sue, replied with an answer that flattened all of us. She said that she came to America looking for all of these Christian people, but when she got saved, she realized there were very few here. She said a lot of people don't even go to church or talk about God, and even the ones who do, aren't really living like Jesus did. She said it was a struggle for her, because she had no idea how to live for Christ and it took her a while to find people who did. Steve, the man from Indonesia felt the same struggle. He said he came looking for community, and friends in this new land, but few were found. He said many are concerned for themselves and the "Christian Community" is so different here than at home... bad different.
Of course we can all see that America is no longer a Christian nation. But for some reason, in that moment, for us to hear that from 2 international students was devastating. Not only is our country so far from God, but our church has no business calling itself Christian. Hypocrisy, selfishness, and laziness define the American church. Instead of our faith effecting what we do, what we do effects our faith. Our beliefs should permeate every part of our lives, yet we fit it in where it is convenient, like Sunday mornings. We compartmentalize Jesus.
John 15:10 says: "If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love."
If we'd just open up our Bibles, we would see that we aren't living like we should. And for me, though I already knew that, it took me hearing it from people who had to travel from Indonesia and China to finally light a fire in my belly. I hope it does for you too.
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