1) I am very afraid of spiders. I make Daimian kill them for me.
2) I can count to 10 in 5 different languages.
3) Someday, I would like to live in Pendleton.
4) I want to adopt 2 children from - you guessed it - Africa
5) I am very passionate when people say tattoos aren't Biblical.. You don't want to get me started.
6) I love all fruit... except honeydew. Ick.
7) I love fall, but hate pumpkin flavor - Pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice latte...
8) I have never owned a pair of skinny jeans until last weekend.
9) I want to learn the piano really, REALLY bad.
10) My favorite food in the entire world? Cheese. Tillamook Chedder. Mmmmmmm.
11) Matt Reigel will always be my favorite youth pastor in the world, well except my husband, of course! :)
12) My favorite Starbucks drink is a venti extra hot, nonfat, peppermint mocha. If its a summer day, however, a venti 4 splenda passion tea.
13) I pretty much have been playing basketball since I came out of the womb.
14) I was almost named Aundrea. Not sure why my parents changed it.
15) I am addicted to Angry Birds.
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