My father is the greatest.
No really, I promise. He is.
Everyone says that, right? Especially around Father's Day. But I genuinely believe that this man is the best.
He always pushed me to be the best I could be, not number one. He took interest in the things I enjoyed. He was at every basketball game, every track meet, every church concert. He helped me to learn, grow, and become who I am today.
He never hit me, cussed at me, called me names, and he never left. I look at all the other fathers who have done these things, and it makes me appreciate who my father is to me.
He taught me what it means to love God and to follow His voice above all others. He showed me what it means to be resolute, steady, and strong.
Above all, he loved me unconditionally. No matter what I did, he has always loved me, though God knows I tested it. I am eternally grateful to this man, Doug Morgan, for being the father that helped me become the woman I am today.
Daddy, I truly love you with all of my heart.