Monday, September 8, 2014

I have a boyfriend.

I have a boyfriend.
He is handsome, funny, smart, opinionated, nerdy, a Packers fan, picky, and passionate.
He is also my husband.

I had always heard that you have to date your husband, that you should be his girlfriend and his wife for your entire life. But what did that really mean? Why would marriage life be any different than dating life?

In November, it will be four years since we exchanged vows and I became Mrs. Dunn. I understand now the difference. I don't think either one of us gave up or stopped trying or stopped putting out effort, I think that life just happened and we live together and the feeling is different. You fall into a love that is more steady, less butterflies, less nerves, more of a choice rather than a feeling.

This past year, Daimian and I have realized that we had stopped dating. Not that being married is bad, don't get me wrong, but we had gotten so caught up in ministry, family, work, school, life... I had lost my boyfriend and I was a terrible girlfriend.

So, we decided to fix it. I am so blessed to have a man who realized it and wanted to do something about it. I started getting little notes again and texts just because. I would get flowers just because he loves me and he would make sure to take me on dates often, even if it was just the two of us sitting at Chipotle.

The other night, we had fancy date for the first time in a long time. It was just us two, and though money is really tight, he had saved so that we could have a really nice dinner. We were at the restaurant for about two hours just talking, laughing, holding hands, and it felt just like before, when I was still a Morgan and he had no ring on his finger.

Isn't he handsome?

DELICIOUS mushroom ravioli

Dark chocolate and raspberry panna cotta

I don't know what it is about life that we allow it to get in the way of what really matters. How do errands and to-do lists and groceries and homework ever seem more important than the man who chose me out of 7 billion people to love and be with for eternity? 

From this moment on, I vow once again become and remain Daimian Michael Dunn's girlfriend.