But nothing bugs me more than people who make me as a Christian and Jesus look bad.
These people do a pretty good job of making us look bad.
But so does this guy:
If you don't recognize him, his name is Pat Robertson. He is a "pastor" (which by the way, now that we share this title offends me even more). He is also on the 700 Club on TV. And he says a lot of dumb things.... A LOT. For instance, when Haiti was devastated by a hurricane, he proceeded to tell America that it was Haiti's fault because of their "pact with the devil". He also likes to predict when the end of the world is going to come, in which case, he obviously has not been right.
Once again, Pat Robertson opened his mouth and stuck his foot in it. Watch this clip:
Ok, Pat, let me get this straight... We should send money to orphans, but not really do anything else to love on them or help them. Also, sarcasm is a way to go... "No one wants to deal with the United Nations"?? Racist much? I'll give you this, sir, it is true that adoption isn't for everyone... I definitely think that it is only for some people. But what I don't agree with is saying that orphans grow up "weird". They are God's children just as much as biological children are. Just because they have parents does not mean they are less. God never asked us to throw money at those who need it. He said to love them. To care for them.
James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..."
Obviously, Pat Robertson isn't changing anytime soon, though I pray that he does... But to the people who think this man is speaking for us Christians, please do not be fooled. This man is a heretical, lost, ignorant man who does not deserve to be called "pastor".