Sunday, September 23, 2012


I had some free time that is very much a rarity the other night, so I decided to make one of the thousands of things I have pinned on Pinterest. (P.S. You can follow me on Pinterest by clicking that little button down to the right) 

Some of them you have to buy stuff for, but it was like midnight, so I found one that I had all the supplies for already. These jeans are old and as you can see got a whole in the leg, so they were no longer wearable. 

 So, I cut them to shorts size, cut a couple slits in them, and took my cheese grater to them to rough them up a bit.

 Then I busted out the bleach, dropped it where I wanted it and let it show up. Next, I got the hydrogen peroxide out and dunked some cotton balls in it and dabbed it on the bleached spots to stop the bleach from spreading more and stop it from getting brighter. I through them into the washer and dryer and here is how they turned out! I haven't tried them on just yet, but not bad for a free pair of shorts!

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Rock that is Higher Than I

Nothing teaches you trust more than when trust is all you have.
When there are no other options but to rely on the One who will never fail.

Unfortunately for me, I learn the hard way.
So I learn trust the hard way.
It takes things getting to a point where trust is my only option that I learn to trust.

I am overwhelmed.
I am exhausted.
I am not in control.

Today, my trust must be in Him. Because my own strength has only failed me.

Friday, September 14, 2012


I didn't post on September 11th, because quite honestly I have no words for that day. Nothing seems worthy enough to be said about it. Nothing I came up with is good enough.

But then yesterday and today, the American Embassies in a few countries were attacked. Americans lost their lives. And the elections are coming up soon..

But I feel like it has become hard to be patriotic. Part of me is fearful of being an American. Part of me is breaking for my fellow Americans. And part of me is wishing that we as a nation were united again and patriotism was a lot more common. I wish the 4th of July was something that rallied us. I wish that more people loved being American.

Don't get me wrong... I would not want to be born anywhere else. when people ask me "what I am" I don't think back to being Welsh or Norwegian or Spanish.. I am an American. And I am proud of it. I just feel like  we have lost our unity, our being patriotic. I miss that. I miss that part of being American.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

His Girlfriend

When my husband goes to work all day, I miss him.

When he leaves for work, I make sure I take the time to kiss him goodbye.

At night, we talk before we go to sleep.

I share every part of my day with him.

We try to have some kind of date time every week, even if that means a blizzard at Dairy Queen.

He tells me he loves me... all day every day.

We plan youth group together, pray together, talk about God together.

If something bothers me, I tell him right away so it doesn't get worse.

He finds ways to surprise me to remind me he loves me.

He sends me cute, cheesy text messages when we aren't together.

I know we haven't been married that long, but I hope that in 5 years, 10 years, 50 years, we will still be crazy in love.

Though I am his wife, I want to be his girlfriend too, until the day we die.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I am not a morning person in any way shape or form.. Unless you count going to bed around 2:00 in the morning being a morning person. I think the best and am the most productive around 11:00 pm. Weird? Yeah.

But this morning, my husband had to be at work by 6:00 and the poor guy didn't get up until 5:54. Luckily I woke up and woke him. In all the rush to find his work shoes and get out the door on time, I was wide awake. So I decided to get up and make some coffee and oatmeal and actually see a sunrise.

There is something about the morning I think I have been missing out on. The sunrise quietly slides up into the sky not asking for attention, but just greeting me softly. I made breakfast without speaking to anyone and enjoyed my food slowly. There was no rush, no deadline, no time. I am sitting here on the couch wrapped in a blanket, enjoying the quiet.

I am not saying that I am going to become a morning person, but I think there is something to be said about the stillness, the peace, the silence that accompanies getting up earlier to remind us that life doesn't have to be all so fast paced.

It is so nice to just breathe.