I head this quote a couple years ago and I think of it often. The older I get - Yes, I know I am not old, but I am still getting older - the more I understand the truth in this statement. One minute I was in high school, the next minute, its 2018. One minute, I am standing with my husband sharing my vows, the next minute, we are celebrating 7 years of marriage. One minute, I am excited to turn 18, the next minute, I am almost 28.
Life goes fast. It really, really does. And as 2017 faded into the past last night and 2018 was ushered in with sparkling cider, laughter, board games, and a bad Mariah Carey performance, I took a moment alone in my room to pray and thank God for bringing me through another year, but also to offer Him 2018 and pray over the upcoming days.
I love resolutions. I love making them, and I even keep some! But this year, I thought I would try something new. I have seen people adopt a word or phrase for the year, and I have never done it. So this year, in my moment of prayer at the beginning of 2018, I asked God to share with me the word He would have for me this year. Throughout today, I kept getting the same word with the same thought.
At first I was like, "Uh God... Is that you? Cause thats a pretty small word." But as I thought about it, and the word kept coming up in my mind, I realized it had profound meaning for me. I struggle with fear and with a lack of discipline. I am held back by fear, and do not reach my full potential or health in many areas because of my lack of discipline. I no longer want to do that. I want to reach new places in my relationship with God, in my health, in my marriage that I can't even understand at the beginning of this year.
Just do it. Just do what you know you need to. Just jump even when you're afraid.
Just freakin' DO.

"...discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness." - 1 Timothy 4:7b