Saturday, April 30, 2011


I need some self-control.

As I have documented my weight loss journey, the hardest thing for me has been my eating... well, and drinking (I LOVE SODA).

I love all things deep fried... French fries, mushrooms, cheese sticks, chicken strips... Mmmmm. I have a hard time saying no to those types of things. I hate the fact that I have to give up things that I truly enjoy like this, plus desserts and soda and frappuchinos... I mean, don't get me wrong. I love salad. I really enjoy Subway. Fast food makes me feel slow and tired. But I love french fries more. I enjoy hummus on my veggies, but I love ranch more. I like water... well, no thats a lie. Its boring. Give me a flippin' diet coke.

Ugh. Obviously, this has slowed my progress. And that part is frustrating, but I am convinced that in heaven, I get to eat all the darn food I want and not gain a pound!

But while I am still here, I am going to get this under control. I am going to get some better self-control.

"A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls."
Proverbs 25:28  

Thursday, April 28, 2011

David Wilkerson

Yesterday, Christianity lost a great man and influencer. David Wilkerson, the founder of Teen Challenge, was killed in a head on collision last night.

I am jealous he gets to be with Jesus, but the earth will miss him. He was so far ahead of his time, and truly understood the purpose God has for His people. Here is a video that changed my perspective and life.

R.I.P. David Wilkerson. I will see you in Heaven.

"Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do."

Friday, April 22, 2011

Night Strike

Last night, for my 21st birthday, I went to Night Strike in Portland with the family, Berry, and Daimian (see last post for a description of Night Strike). Getting to minister to the homeless was obviously to help them, but goodness, I think it was more beneficial to me than the homeless.

I talked to a guy who served in the Marine Corp. and fought in Vietnam. Now he lives on the street. 

There was a young mom with her baby. He was about 1. Sometimes they got to stay in the shelter, but staying in the shelter is like winning the lottery. If your name doesn't get drawn, you get the sidewalk... even with a baby.

There were boys and girls my age and younger. Teenagers that should be in high school, worrying about a crush on a boy, if they're going to get a spot on the team, or what to wear to Prom, not where dinner is coming from. 

I got to have a nice dinner surrounded by people who love me and then go home to a warm bed and nice house with food in the fridge. It was a hard pill to swallow. I couldn't help but feel guilty. 

Now, obviously, we all see homeless people. We all feel sorry for them. But how many veterans, men and women that fought for my freedom, are on the street? How many young moms have absolutely no where to go, and their children are freezing cold in the rain on the sidewalk? 

It was just another wake up call, another opportunity to be thankful. My heart longs for Africa, but while I am here in America, there is so much I can do in my own backyard. I don't want to waste time anymore.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Birthdays are funny things. Today I am 21. The big 2-1. Now, of course I am not old enough to be dreading birthdays or counting backwards every year, but this one, for some reason, I actually feel a little different. The alcohol freedom that accompanies this birthday means nothing to mean. I don't drink. Still won't. But, it makes me feel a little bit more like an adult.

Tonight, for my birthday, I am going to Portland with my family, Daimian, and my best friend, Berry to have dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory and introduce my parents to the wonderfulness that is Voodoo Donuts. After that, we are going to work with Bridgetown ministries and do an outreach called Night Strike. We get to take clothes, food, and hygiene kits to the homeless in Portland and we even get to wash their feet and provide them with new, warm socks. We also take roses to prostitutes on the sidewalks and simply share the love of Jesus. I am so excited. This is so much better than a birthday party! :)

Lets be honest though... A great gift would be a Blazer win too ;)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Early Birthday

Yesterday, my brother from another mother, Berry, took me shopping. My birthday is Thursday... The big 2-1. So, as my present, he took me shopping. I got tons of amazing stuff, and him and I plus my husband had a great day. We had breakfast, shopping, lunch, and longboarding, then played a board game and watched Transformers. Let me tell you, I am absolutely blessed by these 2 boys.

Also, my NEW CAMERA IS ON THE WAY! Another early birthday gift was from my husband who bought me a camera! It is a little used, but new to me and still very new. It is a Canon Rebel XSI. This is what my gorgeous gift will look like:

I have wanted a camera for a long time. I love photography! It is a hobby, and I love pictures for my family, Daimian and I, youth group, etc.

Anyways, I just wanted to brag for a moment about how blessed I am... Brag sounds harsh. But seriously, I am so blessed. I have people who love me. And I have a new camera on the way!

Friday, April 15, 2011


A couple weeks ago I posted a blog about my journey to begin couponing. This requires me to get all the coupons, check coupon blogs to see the deals, and wait for the right time to stock up on sales. I have my very own coupon binder full of coupons. 

I went with my friend Becky once and got 2 gallons of ice cream and 4 bottles of Tide Stain Remover for $1.29. I haven't gone since because I didn't know if I could figure it out on my own. But last night I went to the store and Daimian and I got a bag of carrots, 2 bags of lettuce, and 2 bottles of salad dressing for $1.99! 87% savings! My coupons made the lettuce free and the salad dressing .50 each. We would've paid almost $13 without the coupons. 
Here is my prize 2 dollar purchase:
Now, I know it isn't much, but for the first time shopping and figuring out my coupons by myself, I thought I did a pretty good job. More shopping trips to come :)

P.S. Want to get started or need tips? Check out!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Invisible Children

For those of you who don't know, my heart is in Africa. Eventually, it will be my home, but for now, it is only a place I dream of and help from far away. An organization called "Invisible Children" is one of the groups I have found that I love being a part of. 

For those of you who do not know what Invisible Children is, it is an organization that helps children in Africa, specifically Uganda and the Sudan. For years, Joseph Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army have terrorized families, killed parents, and kidnapped young girls and boys to use for prostitution, labor, and soldiers among other things. 3 young men went to Uganda, found out about this horror, and decided to do something about it. 
You can go to

With several events over the recent years, a new one has been planned for this April 25th. It is called "Break the Silence". Here is a video about it: 

Watch it. Do it. Let me know if you are going to do it, and we can meet up!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I don't feel sexy. 

I never have.

I got a ton of lingerie at my bridal showers a few months ago. It is hard for me to wear it. 

My skin is not tan. My stomach is not small and firm. My legs aren't shaved all the time. I have greasy hair in the morning, not to mention the bad breath. My arms and thighs are bigger than they should be. I am almost 21 and have never worn a bikini. 

But my husband loves me. He loves me so much. And he thinks I am sexy. He thinks I am beautiful. He tells me every day, several times a day. I am still learning to let that be enough. Why is it the world's definition of sexy that I strive for? 

At the same time, I want to feel sexy. I want to wear lingerie and be confident in it. I want to wear a swim suit on the beach and not feel like I look like the large mammals of the sea. I want to feel sexy.

Is this something I want to obsess about? Of course not. But, if it provides motivation to do this weight loss thing right, then I will use it for that purpose.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


I have always loved working with special needs people. I have helped with Special Olympics, the special needs program at my high school, and have enjoyed talking to people I have come in contact with at church, college, etc. with special needs. 
Originally, when I started college, I thought my entire goal would to be get a degree so I can be a missionary to Africa. That has changed. Yes, I am still called to Africa (if not, this tattoo on my left arm would be unfortunate...). But, I am also called to children with special needs, especially babies and toddlers. I know that I could do work here in the States as well as when I go overseas and still be able to help everywhere I am. 
This desire has not been new, but the decision to pursue it has. It is a scary thing for me. I have heard this field has a lot of burn out. There isn't much money involved in it. It is a draining job. And it require 4 more years of schooling and moving schools at some point. 
I am ready, though. I get tired of days where I feel like I am not helping anyone. I want to make a difference and an impact on the world. So this, this is my new adventure. I am not sure how or when it will begin, but you will be the first to know.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So obviously this is a new home. I started my blog a while ago, and I have no idea if one single person reads it, but it gives me an outlet. I was getting a little frustrated with the old site and lack of personality I could add to it... So here it is. My new home. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Brittany. 5 months ago I became a Mrs. to Mr. Daimian. I have no clue how he puts up with me, but he does and I am grateful for it. We are both 21 (well, I will be in 2 weeks), both in college, both working a part-time job, and working as youth pastors. Life is nuts, but we are 2 young people trying to make a difference in our world. We love traveling, our gorgeous state of Oregon, teenagers, Africa, photography, good food, worship music, the Portland Trailblazers and the show Lost. We'll see where this takes us.