Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dying for Legos

Last night at had the opportunity to go visit a youth group in Portland where our good friend Jeff is the youth pastor. As I sat there, I listened as Jeff explained just how amazing it is that Jesus would come and die for us. He talked about the verse in the Bible that says:

"Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." Isaiah 64:8 
Jeff  explained that this verse speaks to the fact that the Potter would come and die for the clay. The Creator would die for the created.

In modern day, we don't use clay often. I know very few potters, though I admire their work. It is just no longer a common way of life. And so to understand it better, my good friend asked if any of us had played with legos (don't tell anyone, but I still do!). He said can you imagine dying for your legos? Can you imagine creating a lego masterpiece and dying for it?

Yeah, I can't either. But Jesus did. Jesus died for His legos.

Insane, right? Jesus loves us that much.


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