Monday, October 31, 2011

Doc Jones

Today, in chapel, we celebrated one of my professors, Dr. Don Jones. After 42 years of teaching, and 15 years of that were at my school, Northwest University. This man is brilliant, and as one of my peers stated, "He has a mind like an Encyclopedia". He knows more about Biblical history, holy lands, and the Old Testament than any person I have ever met.

Though this man requires a lot from his students, that requirement has been one of the biggest growth experiences in my life. I have had to push myself and ask myself whether or not knowledge is important to me, because if not, this man's classes are not for me. He challenges us to be better people, better followers of Christ, better students, and better ministers. Just looking at his life makes you want to be better. I love this man, and I plan on continuing my relationship with him for years to come.

He has given everything for Christ. It is evident this man is 100% sold out to the King and he has influenced hundreds for the Kingdom. To see the people that came today, and everything that they had to say about how they had been influenced by his life, it impacted me.

If at the end of my life, or at the end of this phase of my ministry.. If I could stand up and people would say thank you, that would make it all worth it. And not for me, not so I know people love me or whatever. It would be for one purpose: So I can know that I brought glory to God with everything I did and that my life was exactly what God wanted it to be. If I can impact half as many people as Doc Jones has, and is still going to, and if I can be half as smart as this man, I will have won. But if I can bring glory to God like Doc Jones has and is, then I know I will have made my Jesus proud.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Chicken and Dumplings

We got a CrockPot for our wedding and I have used it a few times since then, but this last month has been nuts for my husband and I. Though I love cooking, I hate coming home after being gone all day and then having to cook. So one day, it finally hit me... I HAVE A FLAMING CROCKPOT! Why am I not using it?

So I started googling CrockPot recipes and found some on Pinterest. You have to try this one: Chicken and Dumplings. Super easy and delicious. And it makes enough for leftovers (I am sitting here eating it right now!). I found this recipe and fell in love.

Crockpot Chicken & Dumplings

4 chicken breasts (no need to cook them first, toss them in frozen or thawed)
2 cans cream of chicken soup
1 small onion, diced
water or chicken broth (the broth gives it much more flavor)
2 cans refrigerated biscuits 
(I used one and was fine.. Depends on what you want and how big your crockpot is..)

Place the chicken in the crock pot. Mix together the soup and onion and place over the chicken. Pour enough water or broth in the crock pot to completely cover the chicken and soup mixture. Cook on low for 5-6 hours if your chicken is thawed; if chicken is frozen, cook on low for 7-8 hours.

Once chicken has cooked completely, remove the chicken from the pot and shred with a fork. Return chicken to the pot.

1 - 2 hours before serving, tear the raw biscuits into pieces and drop in the pot. Let the biscuits cook for an hour. (The liquid will cook the raw biscuits and turn them into dumplings). The biscuits will absorb the extra liquid.

Not the greatest color, but look at those big chunks of juicy chicken and plump dumplings with a delicious soup. Very good for a cold day like we have been having here in Oregon. Seriously, people, what has been wrong with me?

I think I would marry my crockpot if my husband would let me... :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Call Me Extreme..

Something I found that shook my world yesterday.

Call me extreme, but I think this is reality.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Weight Watchers

I joined weight watchers 2 weeks ago. I found that food was the hardest thing for me to do right on this weight loss journey, and I needed some help. The first week I wanted to see how it could really effect my weight loss, so I didn't exercise... I lost 4lbs. 4 glorious pounds without a single mile ran, a single weight lifted.. I did NOTHING. I was shocked.

The second week I planned to work out. Then I hurt my back. Let me tell you people, hurting your back SUCKS. I would encourage you to avoid doing it at all costs. So no work out for me, and a lot of laying in my bed. I still lost 1lb! This week, my back is still in bad shape, but I am trying not to eat out as much and not lay in bed as much.

The thing I love about weight watchers is that it doesn't limit you from the things you love, it just helps you get better proportions. I love ice cream, and with weight watchers, I can still have it. Instead of regular, I buy light, and instead of 10 scoops I have 2 small ones. Just enough to quench my chocolate craving. Yesterday, a few friends from school and I indulged in Olive Garden for lunch. I chose to forego pasta and had soup, salad (dressing on the side) and breadsticks. Its helping me make better choices.

So, I have 61 days until Africa, which means I have 61 days to lose 30 more pounds.. A big task, but I am hoping I can begin to work out soon and get close to my goal.

Monday, October 24, 2011


With only a week until Halloween, my husband and I decided it was time to finally carve our pumpkins. We had our friend, Berry, over to join in on the fun. Here's some pictures of the night.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I don't have... But its ok.

I don't have a brand new car.
I don't have the newest fashions.
I don't eat at the most expensive restaurants.
I don't live in a huge house.
It's actually an apartment.
I don't have cable.
I don't go to the movie theater a lot.
I don't get expensive jewelry as gifts.

But what I do have is a husband who works his butt off for me. On top of being a full-time youth pastor, my husband is an assistant manager working 40+ hours a week at Starbucks. He goes to school part-time, and when he isn't doing homework or youth group stuff, he does the dishes, folds the laundry, makes me dinner...

Needless to say, I could care less about all the things I don't have. I know I won't ever have the nicest things in the world, but I know I will always be taken care of. I wouldn't trade my husband for the world. This man is the hardest working, most unselfish, caring individual I have ever met. He loves me more than I think I will ever know.

Thank you, God, for Daimian.


Friday, October 21, 2011

It was time.

I am not one to have the latest high end gadgets. I am not a fan of Apple. I have a laptop because of school, and I only got a new one because my last one had a screen that was cracking off. I have been a T-Mobile customer for 6 years because they were cheapest, even though they have horrible cell service and my phone liked to shut off on its own for undisclosed amounts of time. Usually, I try and save as much as possible so my husband and I can go places together and give money to different causes.

But it was time. It took me 20 minutes to call anyone because my phone was that slow. I didn't have service at school, church, my parents, or Daimian's work. My phone sucked. And T-Mobile had been screwing us financially for a long time and wouldn't do anything to change it. It was simply time. So we switched to AT&T today.

I love my new phone! I just wanted to share my excitement and kind of justify it to myself that it was ok to spend a little extra on a new phone. I love mine :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Obama made the right decision in Africa.. Here's why...

Ever since I posted about President Obama's decision to send 100 military personnel to Africa to capture tyrant Joseph Kony, (read about it here: Invisible Children) I have gotten a lot of negative feedback. Many people tell me I am being "liberal" by looking to the government for help. Others say "America doesn't need to start another war with a country that has nothing to do with us". While I would normally agree, this situation is different.

I found this article written by Jedidiah Jenkins, one of the leaders of Invisible Children, that explains it so much more clearly and eloquently than I can. Read it. And if you still feel that way, I respect that. But just hear us out. And think of these African babies...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Psalm 77

Sometimes my words seem useless. 
Scripture is the only thing that seems sufficient. 


1 I cried out to God for help;
   I cried out to God to hear me.
2 When I was in distress, I sought the Lord;
   at night I stretched out untiring hands,
   and I would not be comforted.
 3 I remembered you, God, and I groaned;
   I meditated, and my spirit grew faint.
4 You kept my eyes from closing;
   I was too troubled to speak.
5 I thought about the former days,
   the years of long ago;
6 I remembered my songs in the night.
   My heart meditated and my spirit asked:
 7 “Will the Lord reject forever?
   Will he never show his favor again?
8 Has his unfailing love vanished forever?
   Has his promise failed for all time?
9 Has God forgotten to be merciful?
   Has he in anger withheld his compassion?”
 10 Then I thought, “To this I will appeal:
   the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand.
11 I will remember the deeds of the LORD;
   yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
12 I will consider all your works
   and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”
 13 Your ways, God, are holy.
   What god is as great as our God?
14 You are the God who performs miracles;
   you display your power among the peoples.
15 With your mighty arm you redeemed your people,
   the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.
 16 The waters saw you, God,
   the waters saw you and writhed;
   the very depths were convulsed.
17 The clouds poured down water,
   the heavens resounded with thunder;
   your arrows flashed back and forth.
18 Your thunder was heard in the whirlwind,
   your lightning lit up the world;
   the earth trembled and quaked.
19 Your path led through the sea,
   your way through the mighty waters,
   though your footprints were not seen.
 20 You led your people like a flock
   by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Invisible Children

If you have never heard of Invisible Children, check them out. Basically, it is an organization dedicated to helping free child soldiers held captive by one man named Joseph Kony in Africa. He invades villages, kills parents, and takes the children to be sex objects or soldiers. Often times, he makes the children kill their own parents.

So far, there has not been much action from the government to try and stop this man and more and more children's lives are being ruined. Invisible Children has done an amazing job getting the problem out there in the media on shows like Oprah and others as well as setting up alarm systems and counseling centers all over the parts of Africa ravaged by Kony.

Recently, President Obama said that he would finally help with the efforts. Watch this video:

So DO IT! Take a picture, upload it onto Facebook and Twitter. Then email it to Like he said, this is not a political issue, but a human issue. Please help us help these children!


If you have never heard of Pintrest, you must google it. Now. No seriously. Its life changing.

I have been exploring and found numerous things I LOVE. Today, I did made my first diy craft I found on Pintrest:

Cute, right? Then we had some friends come over and between a coffee date and a funeral, there was no way I could make dinner in time... So I sought out crockpot recipes on Pintrest. I found delicious beef stroganoff.. Here's the link. You NEED to try this... (No picture.. sorry I am a horrible blogger...)

I am going to try a few new crafts I think. My husband has been so amazing and letting me splurge a little to buy supplies. He rocks. And so does Pintrest.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Scared, but willing

Most of the time I am so excited for Africa. I long for it. I wish we were there now. But that's only most of the time.

The rest of the time, I am freaked out of my mind. the rest of the time I am wishing this was someone else's call and not mine. One of those times was last night.

Yesterday, we had a missionary from Indonesia come to my missions class. I LOVE hearing from missionaries from all over the world, and that was no different this time. But it scared me a little. When asked what was the hardest part of being a missionary, he didn't say having to live among a very primitive, tribal people. He didn't say it was having to eat pig intestines, kills thousands of cockroaches in his kitchen, or eat sugar infested with ants... It was leaving his family.

I am very close with my parents and siblings. Imagining leaving them at the airport and not knowing when I will be able to have internet to skype with them or a phone to call them or when I am coming back. It scares me... a lot.

But I am willing. I am willing to go wherever the Lord asks. Tattooed on my arm underneath the continent of Africa  is the verse Isaiah 6:8, which is something so close to my heart.

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'”

Monday, October 10, 2011

Oregon Youth Convention

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of taking my youth kids to an event called Oregon Youth Convention. I have gone before as both a student and a leader - actually, this is my 11th time. But let me tell you, of all of them, this was the best one.

If you have never heard of Reggie Dabbs, you HAVE to youtube him. Seriously. This man is amazing. He is one of the funniest, most genuine, most unique, most passionate individuals I have ever met.

If you've never heard the band Worth Dying For, you need to. They not only are very good live, but their lyrics are just plain good. We bought their newest album "Love Riot" for the youth group.

But honestly, those weren't even the best part. Something happened inside of me... an awakening. The only way to describe it is a breaking free and an eye-opening, life-altering experience with my Lord. When I looked around me and saw my youth kids raising their hands, crying, and singing, all for God Almighty, something began to stir. At that moment, a new-found passion for their souls and urgency for them was birthed.

On Friday night, I had the privilege of going to the front of the stage with all the other women leaders and just hugging, loving, and praying for the kids - kids who were suicidal, kids who were addicted to anything, and kids who just wanted to be loved. As I stood there, holding these kids who were just crying in my hands, I wept for them. I saw them come up to the stage and throw condoms, drugs, bracelets from the boy who stole their virginity, all at Jesus' feet. During this time, a burden fell into my heart like nothing ever before.

I have a passion and a burden for Africa that was unmatched up until that point. All of that changed Friday night. Now, I will work just as hard and diligently and willingly as I do for missions and Africa. Daimian and I both felt God impress on us that we need to find a cheaper place to live, even if that means its smaller. This is so that Daimian can not work as much and focus on the youth as well as be able to give to things like Speed the Light and sponsor kids going life changing events like this one.

Has my calling changed? No. Someday, I will impact Africa. Heck, maybe one of these kids I am mentoring will go to Africa and impact it as well. My passion has not changed for that continent, but my passion for the youth has. This burden is still here, stronger than ever now. Nothing can stop me. Nothing can stop these kids.

Watch out, Oregon. These kids are going to rock you.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I love animals. I always have. I've always been the girl that cries when animals die in movies (Old Yeller, Where the Red Fern Grows... DUMB movies). I cry when I see deer dead on the side of the road. I have even cried when my mom killed a very pregnant fly. Granted, I was 10 years old, but still... I am a little too emotional when it comes to animals.

Whats worse is when it comes to my own animals. My husband and I adopted Yoshi, a pug/chihuahua mix about 5 months ago. When we adopted him, we weren't in school and not nearly as busy as we are now. Recently, we have realized that it would be selfish to keep him any longer. We probably shouldn't have gotten him in the first place, but I don't think either of us realized how busy life was going to get for us.

Now, we are both super attached, and I am having a really hard time dealing with losing my puppy. I have cried for a couple days now since it became a reality. I asked family if they wanted him first, hoping my mom or grandma would want him so I could see him occasionally, but no luck. So I posted it on facebook last night and craigslist about 10 minutes ago. I already have someone interested in him from craigslist. When they texted me, it hit me. Hard.

I love this animal. Thats why he needs a new home with someone who can spend more time with him than we can. But it is hard. Probably harder than it should be. Definitely harder than I thought it would be.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Here we go again...

I can no longer count how many times I have started, failed, and restarted my weight loss attempts. At this point, I am beyond embarrassed, because quite a few of those have been publicly. Pretty soon, people are going to see me as the girl who cried wolf a few too many times. And I don't blame them. Recently, I have felt so ashamed and angry with myself because I am right back up to where I started. 

252 pounds. 


So many attempts with little success. How come I cannot stay motivated? How come I cannot stay disciplined? I started to really dig deep into my own life and ask myself why. There had to be something more than just that french fries are tempting. I realized there is so much of my emotions wrapped up into the food I eat and how much I way. There were a couple things I discovered. 

First, I had to realize that this matters to God. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, "Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?" He has work for me to do, and if I am too tired because I am overweight, or so focused on this weight loss that I become super self-centered, or I die way too early because of my obesity, then that is a slap in His face. He gave me this body. He created it. Psalm 139:13-14 says, "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." I have to do this as a sacrifice and a worship to Him.

Secondly, I am worth it. During junior high, I was physically abused by a much older boyfriend. He hit me and slapped me. Verbally abusive too. This altered how I viewed myself significantly. Most people who know me have no idea this happened. I feel safe being open about it now because for the most part, I have dealt with it. My dealing with it, though, has been very recent. I have shoved it down into such a dark, deep place in my soul that it has been affecting me in ways I didn't even know about. Food has been my source of comfort for a long time. Since this boy took away what value I saw in myself, I have had to rediscover it. Not through food, or other guys, or friends, or church, or family. Through God. And through myself. I am worth this. I am worth losing the weight. I can be happy and satisfied and love myself. 

Can I promise this is going to work out perfectly? No. But I am more determined than ever. Now that I have found out what was holding me back emotionally, I can move forward physically. I have 2 goals: 1) My Africa trip - I want AT LEAST 35 pounds gone. 2) Summer 2012 - I want all 70 pounds gone. I have 84 days until Africa and 272 days until July 1st. 

Here we go again....

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dave Ramsey

I love to spend money.

My husband loves to save money.

I guess its a good things opposites attract, huh?

I was sorta getting my way one to many times with our money. So when our church offered Financial Peace University, the program designed by the twice bankrupt, now millionaire Dave Ramsey, I thought this might be a great idea for me specifically. Of course Daimian, the nerd who loves to make budgets, enjoys this, but I am learning what to do to get rid of my school loans before I am even out of school, learning the best insurance, how to budget, etc.

Even if you think that you know how to handle money, that you are goo with money, and that you understand exactly how every investment company and insurance plan works, I strongly encourage you to try this program. It is $99 to do at most places, but seriously, we have already saved more than that, and this is week 6.

He is a Christian man without a scheme, just Biblical knowledge and is world savvy. He knows his stuff. Seriously. Our church is offering it again right after we finish this one if you would like to join Sunday evenings. There are many churches around that I know are offering it all over the place.

You NEED to do this.