Though this man requires a lot from his students, that requirement has been one of the biggest growth experiences in my life. I have had to push myself and ask myself whether or not knowledge is important to me, because if not, this man's classes are not for me. He challenges us to be better people, better followers of Christ, better students, and better ministers. Just looking at his life makes you want to be better. I love this man, and I plan on continuing my relationship with him for years to come.
He has given everything for Christ. It is evident this man is 100% sold out to the King and he has influenced hundreds for the Kingdom. To see the people that came today, and everything that they had to say about how they had been influenced by his life, it impacted me.
If at the end of my life, or at the end of this phase of my ministry.. If I could stand up and people would say thank you, that would make it all worth it. And not for me, not so I know people love me or whatever. It would be for one purpose: So I can know that I brought glory to God with everything I did and that my life was exactly what God wanted it to be. If I can impact half as many people as Doc Jones has, and is still going to, and if I can be half as smart as this man, I will have won. But if I can bring glory to God like Doc Jones has and is, then I know I will have made my Jesus proud.