If you haven't heard about the President, Governor Romney, the debates, and all the other glorious things that comes from election time, you are most likely living under a rock. We are bombarded with commercials, tweets, posts on Facebook, and even a debate or two of our own. As a Christian, I tend to forget that these two candidates are human beings who have a God that desperately loves them and sent His only Son to be brutally murdered and hung on a tree for their souls. I tend to complain about how Obama has destroyed our country and I forget that I am no better. I sin like he does, and God forgives me and loves me just like Barack. I complain so much and I pray so little.
All that to say that I stumbled across a blog today that put it in better words than I can. Check this out:
Last night there was a debate.
I was at rehearsal so all I was able to see was my twitter feed and not the debate.
As I was scrolling the feed I was laughing at all my witty friends and their banter.
So I went home and watched the debate.
I thought my guy won.
I was proud.
I had plenty of thoughts.
I learned a bit more about the other guy.
But then I had to go to the bathroom.
So I paused it.
I came back to the sofa and sat down and this was the screen that it was paused on…
It was almost haunting as I stared at the screen.
These 2 men have souls.
They are created by God almighty.
They are loved deeply by a God who does not degrade either of them.
They are 2 men who have wives and kids who cry at night seeing the stress and weight they are under.
They are 2 men who at the end of the next 20 days will still be 2 men who God loves deeper than we can even fathom.
For 15 seconds I stared at a screen where I was looking at the humanity in them.
And I had a thought.
We did it before. We can do it again. We are going to Pray… Backwards…
What do I mean by that?
We are going to turn off the news, open our Bibles, and pray for our leaders.
1. Pray that our leaders would grown in Faith. In their relationships with Jesus Christ.
2. Pray for their marriages.
3. Pray for their children.
4. Pray for those around them.
5. Pray for their emotional and physical health.
6. Those on the left will pray blessing on Romney, those on the right will pray blessings on Obama.
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