Sometimes church is boring. I know I am part of leadership in the church. And not every church is this way. But if we were being honest, somewhere along the way, the adults in the church have lost their passion. Teenagers, though, they are passionate about everything they do - football, band, video games, prom... Worshiping God is no different.
This weekend we had a youth conference in Albany. We had national Speed the Light (Assemblies of God youth missions program) director as the speaker and the band Sixteen Cities as our worship band. The point of this conference was an opportunity for the students across Oregon to showcase their talents... Everything from painting to spoken word to rap solo to piano solo... There was sign language and Spanish sermons... We took 7 kids, 4 who participated. Christian did a piano solo, Maddi did a song solo and played mandolin, Olivia presented a crocheted beanie she made and Kylee did spoken word. They all were exceptional. I was on proud "Dunn Mother" as they now call me.
But my favorite part of the conference was just being with fellow workers in the ministry and students who are passionately seeking after God. Sometimes being in this "profession" it can be lonely. Sometimes it feels like we're the only ones working toward the goal. But when you get together in this kind of setting, you are reminded you have friends, family, and co-laborers. And my students were reminded they are not the only ones who are working towards changing Oregon. There are others who are working on their school campuses to win people over for Christ.
I imagine worship services in heaven will be closer to the one that I experienced this weekend and not the ones that you find at church most times... Passionate, surrendered, in awe of our Jesus... I was rejuvenated, recharged, and reminded of the goal and the fact that we are all in this together.