Thursday, April 19, 2012

Aaron and Jimmy

Tonight, we had Jimmy and Aaron at youth group.

If you have never met these two gentlemen, I am so sorry.

They are fantastic.

They both were addicts, went through Teen Challenge, and are at Northwest University, Salem Campus learning about the God they both now passionately serve.

If you have never heard of Teen Challenge, it is a program all over the world started by the late Pastor David Wilkerson. It is for men, women, and youth who are addicts... Addicts to drugs, alcohol, sex... It is an absolutely outstanding program. Seriously, check it out:

But tonight, these 2 shared their testimonies with our youth. Can I just say how grateful I am that God protected me from the things they had to go through? Something struck me that both of them said. They said, "I wish during those times that I was looking to the stuff I was addicted to, I would have had people in my life like you... People who were serving God and could speak into my life."

How many drug addicts do I know? None. How many alcoholics do I know? Maybe one. But how many people do I know looking to drugs and alcohol that eventually become addicts? Many. And what have I done about it? Nothing.

I think the church has done a horrible job reaching out to these people. Sometimes, they don't know what to do for them. Sometimes these people don't fit the "criteria" humans, not Jesus, have put onto people who can walk through the doors. Sometimes they seem hopeless. But let me tell you. These 2 men, Jimmy and Aaron, are 2 of the most passionate, loving, exciting, amazing people I have ever known.

This convicted me. This challenged me. This should challenge you. This is part of the commission. I don't need to go to Uganda - I don't even need to go to California - to find people I can help who are bound by addiction. They are here, in my youth group, in my circle of friends, in my town...

Jesus did something about it.

I need to do something about it.

The church needs to do something about it.

Jimmy speaking at youth group. This man can preach!

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