We have become desensitized to the world around us.
Did you know Romania aborts more babies than are born?
Did you know girls in India younger than 13 are sold into slavery for a mere $150?
Did you know in Uganda alone, 1.4 million people have been displaced by war?
Did you know France has more warlocks than pastors?
Its cliche, right, to hear statistics and see pictures and feel bad for a minute. Then we realize we left the iron on and quickly forget. Life returns to normal. But do you think these faces forget? Do you think those girls who are trapped under a man because their parents sold them into slavery forget? Do you think the Africans without homes think its cliche?
Absolutely not.
As we continue to live our comfy American life, the people around the world suffer. It is time we move from awareness and move into DOING SOMETHING. The great commission, Matthew 28:19-20, says "Go" and "Make". These are verbs. These are action words. There is nothing lazy or sedentary about this command.
James 2:22 tells us our faith is DEAD without works. Dead. Thats powerful.
Christians, it is time to actually do something. It is time we stop calling ourselves Christians unless we actually start acting like Christ's followers. It is time the world stopped doing what the church is supposed to be doing. Its time we actually obey Jesus.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
James 1:27
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